While you’re prepping for feasting with family and friends, we wanted to send you a little note with a couple tips to add efficiency and sustainability to your holiday season!

Farmer's Market Veggies

Get your veggies at the Farmer’s Market


Start composting what you don’t eat!

In the US, we waste 35-40% of all the food we grow and almost half of that waste happens at home.

Here are four ways you can make a difference with your Thanksgiving meal this year:

1 – Shop at the Farmer’s Market for Your Produce.

A Thanksgiving feast uses a literal cornucopia of veggies! Consider buying your vegetables locally at the farmers markets in your county. These markets are great for the local economy and they help directly support members of your community. Additionally, buying local produce tends to have a lower carbon footprint than buying produce that was shipped from around the world.

2 – Don’t Shop Hungry!

A huge feast with endless side dishes is beautiful and tempting to make – but making surplus food is the number one way to create food waste. Try to make the amount of food you need this year!

3 – Freeze the Leftovers for a Quick Meal Next Month.

Using environmentally conscious containers such as those made from silicone, freeze in serving size or family meal sized proportions to make for a quick meal or side for next week or next month!

4 – Start Composting!

Healthy soil is vital to the health of your garden. You don’t need expensive fertilizers with added chemicals to keep your roses happy, you just need great soil with lots of organic material! Adding compost to your kitchen is easy – and no, it doesn’t stink if you do it right.

We’re dedicated to making sustainable choices whether we’re building a house or building a banquet. It’s important to us that we add resiliency into our homes and within our communities for generations to come.

Sustainability and resilience are important philosophies for us at HD Squared. By making just a few small changes in your home, like what we list here, you can make a huge impact, so we encourage you to try these out this year!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Melanie Hartwig-Davis and the HD Squared Team


Call 202-436-5311

HD Squared Architects
79 West Street, Level 2, Annapolis, MD 21401
Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 5 pm

Evenings/weekends by appointment.
Woman-Owned Business
©2024 HD Squared Architects, LLC